Smart Contracts

For common functions see Common typescript examples.

Getting smart contract instance

Useful for calling smart contract methods:

import { Contract } from 'web3-eth-contract';import { web3 } from '.';const getContract = (abi: object, address?: string): => {  const abiFromJson = JSON.parse(  return new web3.eth.Contract(abiFromJson, address);};export default getContract;

Executing contract method

Contract has read and write methods. To get a list of methods, you can paste contract address on ETH or any other service.

Read methods doesn't require spending gas. Write methods cost some amount of gas, hence they will be executed with confirmation from user.

Example for #Metamask without private key

// see example belowimport { getContract } from '.';// ABI of contractconst CONTRACT_ABI = { /* ... */ }; // address for contractconst CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0xdea164f67df4dbfe675d5271c9d404e0260f33bb';export const executeContractMethod = async ({}) => {  // getting contract  const contract = getContract(CONTRACT_ABI, CONTRACT_ADDRESS);    // Calling write method  try {    // authorizing with Metamask    await web3.currentProvider.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });    // getting wallet address    const addressUser = web3.currentProvider.selectedAddress;    // calling "store" store method for contract    // payload should include `from` address, that matches    // current user's wallet    await, 'Parameter').send({      from: addressUser,    });  } catch (e) {    throw new Error(e);  }    // calling read method  try {    // this method can return data    const result = await contract.methods.retrieve().call();  } catch (e) {    throw new Error(e);  }}

Node.js and React Native example

// see example belowimport { getContract } from '.';// ABI контрактаconst CONTRACT_ABI = { /* ... */ };// contract addressconst CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0xdea164f67df4dbfe675d5271c9d404e0260f33bb';// getting contractconst contract = getContract(CONTRACT_ABI, CONTRACT_ADDRESS);// account's private keyconst privateKey = '...';// write-methods requires private keyconst executeContractMethod = async (val: number) => {    const transaction =;    const account = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);    const options = {      to: CONTRACT_ADDRESS,      data: transaction.encodeABI(),      gas: await transaction.estimateGas({ from: account.address }),      gasPrice: await web3.eth.getGasPrice(),    };    const signed = await web3.eth.accounts.signTransaction(      options,      privateKey,    );    await web3.eth.sendSignedTransaction(signed.rawTransaction!);};

Calling a batch of contract's methods

Function calls batch of requests, returning array of results. For example:

  const requests = [   contract.method.balanceOf().call,   contract.method.getStaked().call  ]  const result = await makeBatchRequest(request);
const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || PROVIDER_URL);const makeBatchRequest = (calls: any[]) => {  try {    const web3 = getWeb3NoAccount();    const batch = new web3.BatchRequest();    const promises => {      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {        batch.add(            if (err) {              reject(err);            } else {              resolve(result);            }          })        );      });    });    batch.execute();    return Promise.all(promises);  } catch {    return null;  }};export default makeBatchRequest;

Subscribing to smart contract events

There're different ways to subscribe for contract events. For all of them you will need following variables:

  import Web3 from 'web3';  const web3 = new Web3('YOUR_RPC_ENDPOINT_HERE');  const ABI = 'YOUR ABI HERE';  const CONTRACT_ADDRESS = 'YOUR CONTRACT ADDRESS HERE';  const myContract = new Web3.Contract(ABI, CONTRACT_ADDRESS);

By accessing  .RegisterUser()  .on('connected', (subscriptionId: string) => {    console.log(`| UserRegistered | events | ${subscriptionId}`);  })  .on(    'data',    async (event: {      removed: boolean;      returnValues: RegisterUserResponseInterface;    }) => {      try {        if (event.removed) {          return;        }        const { user, referrer } = event.returnValues;        console.log(user, referrer);      } catch (e) {        console.log(`| ONCE | ${e}`);      }    },  )  .on('error', (error: ErrnoException) => {    console.log(error);  });

With filtering

We're listening to Transfer event here:

  let options = {    filter: {        value: [],    },    fromBlock: 0  };    .on('data' log(event))    .on('changed' log(changed))    .on('error'     .on('connected' log(str))

Common Subscribe method

Filtering options can also be specified:

  let options = {    fromBlock: 0,    address: ['address-1', 'address-2'],    //Only get events from specific addresses    topics: []                              //What topics to subscribe to  };  let subscription = ('logs', options      if (!err)      console.log(event)  });  subscription.on('data'=> console.log(event))  subscription.on('changed'=> console.log(changed))  subscription.on('error'=> { throw err })  subscription.on('connected'=> console.log(nr))

Getting event history

Getting history for Transfer events for specific values. More info can be found here

  //example options(optional)  let options = {    filter: {        // only get events where transfer value was 1000 or 1337        value: ['1000', '1337']        },    // number | "earliest" | "pending" | "latest"    fromBlock: 0,                      toBlock: 'latest'  };  myContract.getPastEvents('Transfer', options)    .then log(results))    .catch